14 June 2006

back in the have

This is a reminder to myself to write about my first jetlagged day back in the Have, Sunday June 11.

New Haven postcardIn New Haven where the summer visual arts scene makes me drool.

In New Haven where I'm suddenly Belgian in comparison to everyone else. There were over ten people in Koffee?, each sitting alone, but I was the only one of them without a laptop in front of me -- save the hunched graduate student poring intensely over two books of about 500 pages each. How... archaic. And I wasn't pissed off that some of the businesses were closed on Sunday or were only open until 6 to 8 pm Sundays. It just seemed... like something that happens.

In New Haven where even sketchy bars now have free wireless.

In New Haven, the place I didn't know I missed until I walked its streets on a quiet summer Sunday afternoon.

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