12 November 2006


Tinnitus (tin-NIGHT-us or TIN-it-us) comes from Latin and means "to tinkle or to ring like a bell." Tonight playing on the great organ of the Flentrop in the groovy 420 room seemed to activate two pitches, a high one in my right ear and lower one in my left. I went to the bathroom and it faded away, practiced some clavichord and didn't hear it, and stepped back into Room 420 only to hear it start again.

I like bells a lot, but I don't like this kind of ringing. Tinnitus is caused by exposure to extremely loud noises. Like exploding bombs. So what's the deal with my hearing?

1 comment:

carillonista said...

Let's hope it's just that. :-( The angry spirits of past organists playing a psychadelic trick on me.