16 February 2006

words vs. notes

Geert: "You have two GCNA News articles due tonight?! I would be stressed out!"
Me: "I don't have music constantly flowing through my head like you, but I have words. The problem is finding time to record them... concisely."

One article down (about my 'Belgium experience'). One to go: Recruiting participants for our education panel coaching sessions.

Invitations to play concerts in Lier, Hasselt, and Ede. And Boudewijn's offer to hook me up with a fellow in France who can organise a French tour for me to what are apparently funny little French carillons. No problemo, French dude, bring 'em on. As long as I get to play bells for a living, I'm happy. Believe me.

Boudewijn is also organizing a three-day carillon bicycle/camping tour in Holland. Man, living in the Low Countries is great! Beiaarden, bikes, and beer--who could ask for anything more?


tropik said...

So so true. So often there are words & melodies that go undocumented :<

Re-see here: http://snowiscold.com/index.php/2005/12/03/unspoken/

I think the device is still in alpha tho I'm afraid.. ;]

carillonista said...

I wish I still had music going on in my head. I was an aspiring composer at one point, but no more. College professors and the rules of voice leading killed it! >:-0

I agree that we need a device that hooks up directly to your brain via Bluetooth and records the music/literature going on in there and puts it down on paper (wait, 'on paper'? what an outdated expression). If there's anything that drives me crazy, it's figuring out how to notate music I'm hearing. Truly a great and terrifying invention. Who do you suppose would get to it first--M$, Apple, or h4x0rs under general public license?