11 January 2006


Triumph! I finally finalized my five variations on the hymn "Eternal Father Strong To Save."

"Not bad," Geert said, smiling slightly. And when I played the van Noordt for him, "Those hooked [i.e. played with the same hand] thirty-second notes are too fast. Most people can't do that."

It feels good to be back on track. Although I do have an entire composition to write and four pieces to get off the ground. Argh!

Want to know the flag of any location, from country to city, in the world? It's all on this nifty site.


Anonymous said...

HI BABE!!! This is the first time I've read your blog. I hope Geert is treating you well ;)

Lots of love.
- e

carillonista said...

Oh you betcha.
